The Role of Logistics Sector in Regional Development: The Case of Siirt
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Regional Development, Siirt, Logistics SectorAbstract
The logistics concept, which has been examined in many academic rentals in Turkey, has been used for the first time.
Literature also emerged in the early 20th century. Although it is new to use the concepts of logistics, it has heavily affected the competitiveness of the performances of the enterprises. The movements experienced in regional development fields on a global basis cause remarkable developments in the goals, practices and thinking of these field policies. In Turkey, on the other hand, the interregional development gap is quite high. At this point, new generation theories are very valuable in terms of internal and academic studies on regional development, which are constantly updated and guide new policy decisions. The logistics sector, whose initial aim is to progress rapidly, together with the ones that manage the regional development in Turkey, are the areas where this business is especially selected and concentrated.
This delivery, the definition of the logistics concept, the responsibility for sales and general management of logistics services are carried out. In the research part of the study, the developments in the logistics sector in the province of Siirt, the logistics structure of the province and the public support in this regard are discussed. On the other hand, as a data collection method, face-to-face survey operators regarding exports in the logistics sector and these sales in Siirt province were used.
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