The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education
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Education, Artificial Intelligence, TransformationAbstract
Artificial intelligence plays an important role in different areas of learning, teaching, and educational processes. Automated assessment systems offer great opportunities for measuring student achievement and providing feedback. At the same time, it can make the learning process more effective and efficient by providing customized learning experiences to the student. However, the effects of AI on education are not only about advantages. Issues such as the role of teachers, data privacy, and ethics are also important discussion points to consider. Artificial intelligence is an important technology that is transforming education. It can improve the experiences of students and teachers, personalize learning processes and increase the efficiency of educational institutions. However, concerns about the use of AI should also be taken into account, for example, data privacy, bias, and ethical issues. Therefore, it is important that AI technologies are carefully used and discussed in education. Artificial intelligence technologies have great potential in the field of education. They can offer personalized learning experiences to students, reduce the workload for teachers and provide support to educational institutions in data analysis and guidance. However, issues such as the compliance of artificial intelligence applications with ethical standards, data privacy, and the importance of teacher-student interaction need to be taken into consideration. It is important for educational institutions to achieve the goals of increasing students' achievement and improving the educational process by using artificial intelligence technologies carefully. In this study, the effects of artificial intelligence in the field of education are examined. Artificial intelligence technologies have developed rapidly in recent years and have led to various changes in educational processes. These changes have sometimes offered positive opportunities and sometimes created new challenges. The transformation of artificial intelligence in education will be discussed in terms of students, teachers, and educational institutions.
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