An Analysis of the Efficiency of Higher Education Quality Assurance System in Human Development

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Human Capital, Development, Learning-Teaching, Quality, DEA, Efficiency


The mission of responding to the social transformations created by the requirements of the global age in universities is shaped by the "Quality Assurance System" by the Higher Education Quality Board (HEQB) in Turkey. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes of research universities in Turkey in the 2020-2021 period, according to their efficiency ranking and comparatively. The study method was determined as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Data Envelopment Analysis is a non-parametric method that calculates the efficiency limit in production processes where there are multiple inputs and outputs, and gives information about what the inefficient units should do in their inputs and outputs in line with the efficient units. The Decision-Making Unit (DMU) of the study is the state and foundation universities within the scope of research universities in Turkey. The data were obtained with the "Institution Indicator Reports" in the database of the Higher Education Quality Board (HEQB). Research inputs are the total number of lecturers, the total number of students and the (total amount of education + research areas) / (total number of students) ratio. The outputs are the percentage of realization of the objectives regarding the education and training activities in the strategic plan of the institution, the number of interdisciplinary doctoral programs, the number of undergraduate programs stated to be accredited in the Higher Education Institutions Examination (HEIE) guide. The study model was determined as output-oriented and variable returns to scale (Banker, Charnes, and Cooper-BCC-O). With Data Envelopment Analysis calculations, 11 research universities in 2020 and 15 in 2021 were determined to be effective in teaching and learning processes. According to the findings, Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University and Boğaziçi University, which were active in both periods, are the top three in the efficiency ranking. As a result of the calculations, it has been understood that Bilkent University, Yıldız Technical University, Cukurova University, Atatürk University, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul University and Fırat University, which are below the effective production line, need to make potential improvements in their output values in line with effective universities. The comparative determination of the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes of state and foundation research universities in Turkey is considered to be the most important distinguishing aspect of this study


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How to Cite

TELLİ, R. (2023). An Analysis of the Efficiency of Higher Education Quality Assurance System in Human Development. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2213–2226.