Inferences of Urban Resilience from Traditional Anatolian-Turkish City

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Urban resilience, Sustainable urban development, Anatolian-Turkish cities, Waqf system, Imaret system


This study examines the connections between urban resilience and the characteristics of traditional Anatolian-Turkish cities. Throughout the centuries, Anatolian-Turkish cities have continued to grow while providing a prosperous environment for their inhabitants. The common features observed in these cities include the Waqf (charitable endowment) social structure and the Imarets (social complex) built with the support of this structure. Together, the waqf and imarets form a system that plays a significant role in meeting the needs of city residents and in the construction of cities. The combination of waqf and imaret systems enables the establishment of balanced connections between urban and rural areas, thereby facilitating healthy urban development. Furthermore, the social practices provided by this system have been utilized as positive and effective tools in addressing environmental and social problems encountered during the urban development process. With its characteristics, the waqf-imaret system presents an effective model for achieving urban resilience, which is a crucial requirement in today's context for economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This model contributes to balanced urban growth, a healthy urban lifestyle, and societal well-being. It should be considered as a guiding framework in efforts aimed at establishing urban resilience in contemporary cities.


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How to Cite

Beceren Öztürk, R., & Çahantimur, A. (2023). Inferences of Urban Resilience from Traditional Anatolian-Turkish City. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2169–2175.