Planning of Ecotourism Activities in the Communication Dynamics of Natural and Cultural Heritage: The Case of Niğde Yesilburç Village

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Conservation, Cultural Heritage, Ecotourism, Reuse, Yeşilburç Village


Cultural heritage values together with the natural richness provided by the geography they are located provide the potential that ecotourism can develop for historical settlements. Planning eco-tourism with the aim of providing economic return without disturbing the original texture of the settlement and without affecting the local life requires considering the expectations of the potential visitors for nature tourism and cultural tourism. In this study, this situation is examined in the selected sample. Yeşilburç Village, an old Greek village located on the slope towards the Uzandı Valley of the central district of Niğde Province, was chosen as a sample. Analysis-synthesis research based on fieldwork was carried out for the evaluation and development of the ecotourism potential of the settlement. As a result of the analyzes made, the current situation and activities for ecotourism in the village were revealed. In the village, a nature walking track that encourages nature tourism has been organized for the ecological-natural beauties provided by the Uzandı Valley. The glass terrace extending from the entrance of Yeşilburç Church to the valley has been built, and the historical building is reused as a museum. The local people, who came to the settlement with the population exchange, continue their traditions. A women's cooperative was established in the village in order to transfer the products of the local cuisine to future generations and to contribute to the local women's economy. In the protected historical settlement core of the village, there are traditional stone mansions as well as monumental structures such as church and bath, which were left by the Greeks who migrated with the population exchange. As a result of the determinations made in the analysis, suggestions have been developed to increase the interaction of conservation-oriented local users and potential visitors by keeping the cultural heritage alive, which supports the activities aimed at ecotourism as the communication language of nature and cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Acar Ata, İlknur. (2023). Planning of Ecotourism Activities in the Communication Dynamics of Natural and Cultural Heritage: The Case of Niğde Yesilburç Village. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(98), 2002–2015.