Anamorphism and Pastiche Applications in Painting

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Fine Arts, Contemporary Art, Painting


The methods used in the stage of revealing artistic productions have emerged in parallel with the issuance of different understandings and searches in art. Studies on the transfer of reality with perspective-based analyzes within the Renaissance art understanding resulted in the occurrence of the anamorphism method. Anamorphism, which excludes the linear perspective in the expression of the apparent reality, presents the image by turning it upside down through special calculations, drawings and tools; It has existed in art as a method that requires a special viewing experience to reach the right image. Anamorphism, which has invented a wide range of applications in art, has often been handled with perspective and reflector anamorphosis sub-methods in contemporary art. The eclectic and interdisciplinary consciousness special to contemporary art has prepared the environment for anamorphism to tie up different concepts and methods. One of the contemporary subjects that anamorphism relates in the context of concept and method has been pastiche. Pastiche, which is explained by the practices of revealing reproductions based on the references of art history, has contributed to the emergence of prominent works in contemporary art by using it together with the anamorphic method. Although the practices put forward within the scope of anamorphism and pastiche in contemporary art constitute an important research topic, it has been determined that a study directly carried out in this field is lacking in the literature. The aim of the study carried out in this direction was to reveal the scope and sub-methods of anamorphism, to establish the relationship of the method with the examples of pastiche that stand out in the art of painting, to emphasize the importance of practices in contemporary art and to contribute to the literature in the field


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How to Cite

İlhan Civliz, S. (2023). Anamorphism and Pastiche Applications in Painting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(29 Ekim 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı), 26–38.