Admınistrators' Views On Inclusive Learning Environments (Example of Pamukkale District in Denizli Province)

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Inclusive Education, School principal, Denizli


In this study, the views of school administrators in the Pamukkale district of Denizli province on inclusive learning environments in the 2022-2023 academic year were investigated.

"Survey model" was used in the research. The population of the study consists of those working as school administrators in the Pamukkale district of Denizli province in the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were collected by reaching 20 school administrators working in schools with different levels and parent profiles selected by the "random sampling" method.  The data collection tool used in the study is a semi-structured interview form created by the researcher by reviewing the literature and taking expert opinions.

When the opinions of school administrators on the necessity of inclusive education are examined, it is seen that all of them agree with the necessity of inclusive education. According to these data, it can be said that the participant school administrators are united in the view that inclusive education is necessary for equality of opportunity and opportunity in education. The fact that all school administrators support the necessity of inclusive education is positive in terms of equality of opportunity in education, increasing access opportunities and adopting a democratic understanding.

When the opinions of school administrators on the suitability of school environments for inclusive education were analysed, it was seen that the participant school administrators generally stated that school environments were not suitable for inclusive education. It was seen that almost half of the school administrators, who all participated in the necessity of inclusive education, stated that the school environments were inadequate, and it was seen that the environments were not sufficient for inclusive education and it was not possible to meet the necessary environments with the school budget.

When the opinions of school administrators on the adequacy of personnel for inclusive education were analysed, it was seen that school administrators stated that the personnel working in their schools were generally "inadequate" in terms of inclusive education. It is revealed that there is no staff competence in schools for inclusive education, there are many deficiencies and the competence of the staff should be increased for a healthy inclusive education. In this regard, it was concluded that school principals, teachers, the general directorate of teacher training and the general directorate of human resources have a great job to do.

When we look at the opinions of school administrators regarding their suggestions on inclusive education, it is seen that suggestions such as providing training on inclusive education, promotion, dissemination, congresses-symposiums, etc., raising public awareness, conducting innovative and systematic activities, providing information, documents, activities, documents, etc. support by establishing a web site and allocating a budget to the school to be used in inclusive education were developed. It can be said that these suggestions are necessary and important for the full implementation of inclusive education. In this respect, it is concluded that the recommendations should be taken into consideration and the necessary legislative changes and activities such as training, promotion, implementation, sharing, etc. should be implemented as soon as possible.

When the opinions of school administrators regarding the support they need for inclusive education were analysed, it was seen that supports were developed under the headings such as providing training on inclusive education, materials, material, financial support, legislative changes, and the sensitivity of senior administrators.


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How to Cite

Kölemen, Ömer, Kiraz, S., Yılmaz, F., Alparslan , Ömür, Asar , M., & Öney , H. (2023). Admınistrators’ Views On Inclusive Learning Environments (Example of Pamukkale District in Denizli Province). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2354–2363.