Challenges Faced by Education Administrators Starting Their Roles with Initial Appointments in Primary Schools
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Education, Education Management, School Manager, Primary SchoolsAbstract
Educational and instructional activities undoubtedly reflect a country's level of development and its perspective on the future. In our country, the schools where educational activities are conducted constitute the pivotal point of the education system. At this juncture, a great responsibility falls upon school administrators. It is the responsibility of the school administrator to ensure the school keeps up with the changing world and cultivates individuals in accordance with the cultural values of society. With the responsibility of the school administrator being so substantial, the importance of the administrator is equally heightened. This study presents an evaluation of the issues experienced by school administrators during the years when they commence their administrative duties. Face-to-face interviews with administrators reveal that problems stemming from inexperience come to the forefront in the initial years, followed by issues concerning teachers and the social environment. The significance of administrators, who are the most authoritative figures in schools, starting their roles in a more prepared manner at this juncture, becomes evident. Additionally, the study compares the challenges faced by administrators serving in central schools with those assigned to schools located farther away. When the existing literature is surveyed, it is evaluated that the absence of an educational program for newly appointed administrators and the non-professional nature of administration in our country are results that support our study.
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