An International Bibliometric Analysis on the Place of Sustainability in Aviation

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Sustainability, Sustainability in Aviation, Aviation Industry, Bibliometric Analysis


Sustainability; It is the ability to meet the needs of individuals without compromising the needs of future generations while satisfying their needs. When the components of environmental protection, economic growth and social development work together in harmony, the potential to provide a sustainable life increases. Sustainability in aviation means the necessity of ensuring a smarter, cleaner and quieter future in the air industry. The aim of this study is to examine the studies on "sustainability in aviation" in the international literature and to provide a prediction. The aim is to compare the findings with the Turkish literature and to guide future studies by identifying the current situation and literature gaps on the subject. The study data were taken from the Web of Science database, and the results were examined by searching the words "sustainability in aviation" to collect the data. A total of 1076 publications were reached, and the research findings consisted of the data obtained from these 1076 publications. The data was interpreted with the "R" analysis program, and in line with the findings, it was determined that the position of publications from Turkey was above average, and that the concept was researched with interest by Turkish academics as well as the interest it received in the national field. We see Turkey's interest in the subject in the "Turkey Sustainable Aviation Platform", Turkey's first sustainable aviation platform, established in cooperation with Turkish Airlines, world-famous aircraft manufacturer Boeing and Istanbul Technical University. The main purpose of the platform is; The aim is to raise sustainability awareness among both companies and customers through sectoral solidarity and to research new technologies such as sustainable aviation fuel.


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How to Cite

Topçu, G. (2023). An International Bibliometric Analysis on the Place of Sustainability in Aviation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2419–2428.