Digital Transformation and Paradigm Change as Digital Governance
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Governance, Digital Transformation, Digital GovernanceAbstract
The aim of this study is to explain the paradigmatic shift in governance due to digital transformation through exploratory qualitative research. Governance is a decision-making technique developed in the private sector and later applied in public administration, and is based on the understanding that stakeholders compete with other stakeholders in order to maximize their interests. Governance was developed and its application was widespread through the neoliberal approach during the period when analog and electronic technologies were widely used before the development of digital technologies. With the realization of digital transformation, the pre-digital transformation economic structure, business organizations, the structure and functioning of public administration, and every other institution and functioning in society have been restructured in accordance with a new understanding of efficiency and effectiveness. Digital transformation has made it possible to realize a radical change by digitizing analog governance. It has been evaluated that the New Public Management approach has been overcome and a new understanding of liberal public administration has been created with digital governance. Paradigm shift refers to the transformation of analog governance into e-governance with the development of e-governance and governance into digital governance with the advent of digital transformation.
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