Determination of Structural Features of Halays by Fieldwork
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Keskin, Halay, Fieldwork, Netnography, TRT Notes ArchiveAbstract
Halay, an important element of Turkish music and dance culture, is seen in a wide geography and has many different varieties. The main purpose of this study was determined as examining the structural features of halays, which are performed in an interconnected way and consist of different parts within themselves. Analyzes were made according to the rhythm, melodic and dance figures of the halays using the "netnography" method, which is defined as a fieldwork method. Based on the Keskin Halayı sample, ten halay samples selected in the Kırıkkale/Keskin, Kırşehir and Çorum axis were analyzed. As a result of the samples analyzed, the parts of Keskin Halayı, which is stated as two parts in the note in the TRT THM music archive, were determined to be at least 3 and at most 6. In the halay videos analyzed, it was observed that the figures made by the dancers changed during the transition between sections. The sections of Keskin Halayı were measured as |8:4| in the first section, |4:4| in the second section, |2:4| in the third section, |6:8| in the fourth section, and |2:4| in the fifth and sixth sections. It was observed that the Keskin Halayı, which started at a slow pace, gradually accelerated in the following sections. It has been seen that this halay is also performed in Kırşehir and Çorum cities, but some differences have been detected. Although Keskin Halayı is classified as a non-verbal dance form, it has been observed that verbal works also accompany the dance in the examples analyzed. It has been determined that there is no information in the TRT THM notes archive that these verbal works are halay. As a result of this research, it was suggested to reanalyze 71 halays that in the TRT THM non-verbal works category. Additionally, since the netnography method may be insufficient in some cases, it was also recommended to go directly to the field and conduct interviews.
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