Examination of Art From a Philosophical Point of View
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Looking at art philosophically, art, philosophyAbstract
Being human requires being a being of consciousness. As conscious being, human beings are critical, creative, imaginative, conceptual, etc. in fields such as philosophy and art. It focuses on thinking and questioning activities. Thus, these two fields are needed to grasp and understand various aspects of existence. While philosophy tries to understand, give meaning and comprehend existence through concepts, art actively uses subjective processes through sensations. These subjective processes are visualization, dreaming, designing, etc. It is aimed at cognitive and affective domains. Philosophy questions the purpose and what of art and deals with concepts and problems related to art. Among these problems, it discusses problems such as the reality of works of art, the extent to which these works represent and reflect reality, and the content of the work of art. Do aesthetic judgments vary from person to person, or are there common universal judgments that everyone accepts? Questions such as these should also be addressed philosophically. In addition, based on the questions of whether the work of art is finite or infinite, to what extent it must be related to the truth, what are the criteria that make the work of art immortal, etc. The questions are addressed from a philosophical perspective. Based on all these subject areas and problems, philosophy appears as the intellectual element that forms the conceptual questioning and theoretical background of art, while art is more of a tool that allows it to reach more people by adding aesthetic appreciation to it.
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