Auditin The Turkish Education System

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Education, audit, education audit, audit principles, history of audit


The purpose of this study; To know the understanding of supervision in the Turkish education system is to try to learn and understand the judicial and administrative changes made in the field of supervision in primary and secondary education in the Turkish education system, from the OttomanEmpireto the republic period and from the republic to the present day. In addition, it is a study carried out to learn the positive aspects of supervision in the Turkish education system, as well as the shortcomings in supervision, to understand and comprehend the solutions to the problems, and to learn how supervision contributes to the development of schools or organizations in general. Documentscanningmethod, which is a qualitative research method, was used in the preparation of this study. In this can, on the internet; It has been prepared by examining previously prepared as signments, theses, regulations, as well as various books related to educational supervision.


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How to Cite

Karadaban, A., Altundağ, Y., Polat, S., Pursuk, A., Zengin Tel, N., Kurnaz, N., İpek, M., & Yalçın, M. (2023). Auditin The Turkish Education System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(100), 2657–2662.