Bank Customers And The Use of Open Banking: Have We Introduced It Yet?
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Banking, Open Banking, Digital Banking, FinTechAbstract
Developments in technology are closely followed by financial sector actors, and the banking sector is one of the leading actors among these actors. The banking sector closely follows technological innovations and integrates them into banking systems in order to provide better service to customers and increase financial inclusion. Open banking is one of the innovations made available to customers as a result of technological innovation in the banking sector. Open banking, which refers to the sharing of customer information with the consent of the customer, enables customers to access the products and services of all banks on a single platform wherever there is internet access. Thanks to this service provided in cooperation with FinTek and the banking sector, it is expected that customers will be able to access their account and card information from a single platform, make banking transactions faster, make interbank comparisons and make financial decisions more rationally. On the other hand, open banking offers customers advantages such as transparency, product/price competition and innovation.
Although open banking is a very new concept for the Turkish banking sector, it is considered as the future of banking. It is stated that the biggest obstacle to the acceptance of technological innovations is the attitude of customers towards innovation. Therefore, this study aims to measure the level of knowledge and attitudes of bank customers toward open banking. For this purpose, 574 customers of banks offering open banking services through mobile banking applications were surveyed through digital channels using a simple random sampling method. The answers given by the participants to the survey statements were subjected to frequency analysis with the help of statistical software. As a result of this analysis, it was concluded that open banking is not sufficiently known by bank customers, open banking is not used by bank customers and a significant portion of them have negative attitudes toward open banking.
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