Applications in the Field of Education and Health: BYUEE Education
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Bimanual Intensive Upper Extremity Training, Child, Education, Health, Cerebral Palsy, TreatmentAbstract
Individuals in society need various needs and rights in order to continue their vital activities and daily lives. Among these rights, education accompanies the process of individuals from early ages to later periods. Education is the general name given to the changes in knowledge, skills and understanding that individuals acquire in order to survive and take a place in society. Education, in a broad sense, is all social processes that are effective in people's acquisition of social standards, beliefs and ways to make life easier. Food and drink, education, employment and security are among these rights and requirements. Among these needs, it is an indisputable fact that health is necessary for the continuation of vital activities. Individuals may experience various health problems from birth to later ages. One of the health problems that can be seen in individuals is cerebral palsy (CP). CP is a phenomenon that may occur during birth, when the baby is separated from the mother's womb, and occurs when the amount of oxygen reaching the newborn's brain decreases due to some problems. Treatment of children with CP requires a multidisciplinary approach. In this respect, many branches, from pediatricians to neurologists, from physiotherapists to orthopedists, are involved in the treatment process.
Just as health problems are different, treatment options also vary. Education of students in the field of health is very important before the diagnosis and treatment of health problems. So much so that one of the methods applied to patients regarding the treatment of health problems is Bimanual Intensive Upper Extremity Training (BYÜEE - Hand Arm Bimanual Intensive Therapy). Although it is among the activity-based approaches, it is preferred in individuals diagnosed with CP. BYÜEE aims to improve uniteral involvement in children with CP through intensive activity programs that include both hands.
In this study, it was aimed to examine the studies published on national and international platforms in which BYÜEE was preferred and to determine the findings regarding the results. Literature scanning method and content analysis were preferred in the research, and studies published on national and international platforms in which BYÜEE was preferred were examined. Considering the studies examined in the research, it was concluded that BYÜEE gave positive results in the treatment of children with CP.
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