Middle School Teachers’ Views on the Functionality of Elective Courses
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Middle school, elective course, elective course teacherAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine teachers' views on the implementation and functionality of elective courses taught at the secondary school level of the 4+4+4 education practice. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 teachers who were determined by qualitative research method among the teachers who teach elective courses Southeastern Anatolia Region. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form using the interview technique. It was made more understandable by descriptive analysis. As a result of the research, it was understood that elective courses are determined according to the opinions of parents and students, students' interests, wishes and needs are taken into consideration in the course selection process, and students and parents are informed about the application before the selection process of elective courses in schools. The teachers who participated in the research think that there are sufficient numbers and quality of teachers for elective courses, that there are not enough books and materials to be used in these courses, and that the hours and types of elective courses are sufficient. According to the interviewed teachers, students' motivation towards elective courses is positive, but students care more about compulsory courses. The majority of the teachers participating in the study think that elective courses are useful. Teachers stated that the most common problem they face in elective courses is the lack of technology-material and textbooks, and suggested that textbooks should be prepared and the lack of equipment should be eliminated in order for these courses to be more effective.
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