Arûz Syllables in the Context of Their Structures and Origins Muhibbî's Ghazals with Gül Redifs

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Arûz syllables, structures of syllables, +DIr/+DUr suffixes (copular)


Although many academic studies have been carried out on prosody, the number of studies based on numerical data and the results of these data is not at the same level. However, there is a need for prosody-oriented studies based on numerical data in order to evaluate the preferences of poets regarding prosody and to make a comparison between poets or texts. Moreover, the extent to which studies on prosody are needed and what kind of opportunities such studies will provide to researchers will only be possible by providing sufficient numerical data.

In the light of these evaluations, in the study, the gül rhymed ghazals of Muhibbî, one of the sultan poets of the 16th century, were examined and evaluated in terms of arûz syllables. In this context, 15 ghazals with gül rhymes were identified in the poet's published divan, and the total number of couplets in the ghazals is 90. Considering the meter of the relevant couplets, it was determined that the number that should have been 2.652 decreased to 2.505 due to the meds. After examination and evaluation, numerical data regarding the structures and origins of the syllables in the ghazals in question were presented. Afterwards, the data were analyzed and the remarkable results were shared. In this context, questions such as which type of syllables are mostly used in the texts written with arûz and which languages ​​the roots of the syllables belong to have been tried to be answered in this context.


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How to Cite

Yeşilbağ, S., & Bayram, Y. (2023). Arûz Syllables in the Context of Their Structures and Origins Muhibbî’s Ghazals with Gül Redifs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(100), 2683–2705.