A Research on The Role of Advertising Appeals on Brand Attitude

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Advertising, Persuasion, +DIr/+DUr suffixes (copular), Humor


Nowadays, there is fierce competition in all target markets, in every field. In this intensely competitive environment, consumers are empowered by facing a very rich pool of options on the other hand this situation also leads companies to seek various pursuits in order to better reach their consumers. At this point, advertising is one of the most important methods used by brands that want to stand out in the competition by persuading their consumers. In order to make a difference in their advertisements, companies frequently include humorous elements of appeal in their advertisements. The subject of this study is using the attractiveness feature of advertisements to create a positive brand attitude in the minds of consumers. The study focuses on humor, one of the emotional appeal elements of advertising, and investigates to what extent the attractiveness element of advertisements affects brand attitude. In this study, the effect of RedBull and Lipton Çay Tek Dem advertisements, which contain humorous content, on creating positive brand attitudes in the consumer was examined. The study was applied to 460 associate, undergraduate and graduate students studying at Marmara University and Bahçeşehir University via an online survey. The research was carried out in two main stages. In the preliminary study of the research, which is the first part, a pilot study was conducted on 93 people and the validity and reliability of the scale questions were tested. In the second stage, after the validity and reliability analyzes were found to be sufficient, a final survey was conducted on 460 people. The data obtained from the final survey were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Concurrent User V 26 statistical package program.


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How to Cite

Dikel, H., & Karayel Bilbil, E. (2023). A Research on The Role of Advertising Appeals on Brand Attitude. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(29 Ekim 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı), 01–16. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10055669