Teacher and Administrator Perceptions on Accountability in Educational Organisations

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accountability, supervision, teacher, school administrator


In this study, it was tried to determine the perceptions of school administrators and teachers working in educational organisations about the concept of accountability. For this purpose, the study group of the research was determined by purposeful sampling method from teachers working at primary, secondary and high school levels. School administrators and teachers participating in the study were coded according to the type of school they work in and the task they perform. The research was conducted with a case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, in order to determine the perceptions. The findings show that school administrators and teachers evaluate accountability through the concept of being responsible and supervising, and that high performance can be achieved in an accountable environment. The employees who see accountability as mandatory could not reach a consensus on how the supervision system will realise accountability should be. In addition, school administrators' and teachers' perceptions of accountability do not differ in terms of age and educational status.


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How to Cite

Altunay, R. K., Bayram, A., Songül, A., Sezer, Y., & Emekli, T. (2023). Teacher and Administrator Perceptions on Accountability in Educational Organisations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 3276–3285. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10347503