The Poem "Tale'a'l-Bedru" in Terms of Vâkıâ and Music
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Tala al Badru, Music, HijrahAbstract
Islam is concerned with all human actions. It is not limited to acts of worship, punishments, and transactions, but encompasses all situations within the framework of "halal and haram". It is in this context that the Islamic tradition evaluates how people can show their joy and sorrow. In the Qur'an, hadith and history/history sources, there are examples of celebrations and joys that took place during the time of Rasūlullāh (peace be upon him), and based on these narrations, these events are evaluated in different contexts in different sciences. At this point, one of the most famous examples of celebrations and shows of joy is the song "Talea'l-badru" that the people of Medina sang while welcoming Rasûlullâh (saw) during his migration from Mecca to Medîna. In this study, we will try to examine the authenticity of this famous cheer, where and when it was sung, based on the narrations and the words of the cheer.
First, we will discuss the narrations that are reported in the sources as a show of joy by the people of the region at the arrival of Prophet Muhammad in Medīna and emphasize their reliability. Then, we will examine when and where this particular joyful song was sung. After giving information about the existing compositions, we will make a general evaluation
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