Google Pigeon Algorithm In The Academic World And Testing The Algorithm With Local Search Examples
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Google Pigeon algorithm, Local Search, Local SEOAbstract
Internet users use search engines to access the information they are looking for in virtual environments. When a search is performed, the search results that appear on the first page of the screen are usually the websites that receive more attention and visits. Users tend to show less interest in and often do not visit the websites that appear on the second and subsequent pages of search results.
Google, known as the most preferred and largest search engine worldwide, continuously develops new algorithms and updates existing ones to improve search results and make them more user-friendly. One of these algorithms, the Pigeon algorithm, introduces a new approach that prioritizes local businesses and takes into account the user's location in addition to the searched keyword when calculating search results.
The study was conducted by scanning and reviewing scientific studies related to the Pigeon algorithm indexed on Google Scholar between the years 2022 and 2014 when the Pigeon update, the latest algorithm developed by Google for local search, was announced. The study aims to summarize how the academic world views the Pigeon update and also tests the algorithm with various local search examples. This way, the innovations brought by Google's Pigeon algorithm are intended to be clearly presented.
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