Examination of the Management Capacity of Sports Facilities within Sports Organizations: Izmir Province Example

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Sports, Management, Manager, Facility, Country Organization


This research aims to examine the management capacity of the managers of an institution responsible for carrying out sports and youth activities on behalf of the public in Turkey, working within the borders of Izmir Province, and increasing the quality of service received by the public by determining the studies for capacity development. In addition, it aims to investigate whether the management capacity of the managerial staff differs according to the demographic characteristics of the managers. The research was conducted within the scope of the descriptive model, one of the general screening models. The population and sample of the research consist of 66 sports managers working in managerial positions in the sports facilities of sports organizations in Izmir. In the research, full count sampling technique was adopted to determine the sample. A form consisting of two parts was used as the data collection method in the research. While the first part of the form included the section where the demographic characteristics of sports managers were questioned, the "Sports Facility Managers' Management Capacity Evaluation Scale" developed by Çetin and Karaçam (2021) was used in the second part. Analysis of the data obtained from the research was carried out with the IBM SPSS 22.0 package program. No statistically significant difference was detected in the sports facilities management capacities of sports managers in the sub-dimensions of customer relationship management, human resources management, operations management and financial management, according to gender, education level, age and service status variables. It was determined that the sports facilities management capacities of sports managers were similar according to the determined demographic variables. However, the rank averages according to the gender variable show that female sports managers are better at solving customer problems, minimizing risks in the business, and following up on the tasks in the business, and male sports managers are better in financial matters. According to the age variable, it is concluded that an increase or decrease in the age of sports managers does not cause an increase or decrease in their sports facility management capacity perception.


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How to Cite

Yıldırım, B., dumangöz, pero duygu, & Ülker, D. (2023). Examination of the Management Capacity of Sports Facilities within Sports Organizations: Izmir Province Example. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 2943–2950. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10253439