Teachers' Views on the Education of Syrian Students

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Migration, Refugee, Student, Teacher


The study examined the personal opinions of first class (first class) teachers who continue to serve in two separate and independent primary schools in Pamukkale district, one of the central districts of Denizli, as well as the opinions relating to education about students residing in our country as foreign nationals. There has been a lot of migration to our country, mainly to the countries of the Middle East, over time ranging from our nearest geography. But none of these migrations have affected our country as deeply as the Syrian migrations. It is quite natural for these refugees, who migrate from Syria to our homeland, whether they wish or not, to face a number of challenges in the new environment in which they come, and in our country of different cultural values. In this new environment that has been acquired, the problems of adults and the difficulties of school-age children have come up with. And the point we're dealing with in this study is children of educational age. The difficulties of these refugee children in the educational age in learning both to adapt to the environment and to the values of our country are one of the reasons why we are inclined to this issue, and the most important one. We'll be happy if we can make a small contribution to these young hearts of tomorrow in our work. We interviewed 30 teachers in these educational institutions to study the educational challenges faced by refugees residing in our country in order to serve this purpose that belongs to us. In these discussions, we clearly conveyed the purpose of our work to the teachers. According to the results of this study, it is believed that in order to eliminate cross-cultural diversity among foreign-educated students, the primary goal is to solve the problem of high school, as well as to provide a more flexible curriculum and psychological support.


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How to Cite

Kayacık, G., Güler, F., Türkbay, B., Anbar, C., Çetinel, A., & Abalı, M. (2023). Teachers’ Views on the Education of Syrian Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 3121–3133. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10255734