The Relationship Between Workplace Cyberbullying and Organizational Trust
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Cyberbullying, Workplace Cyberbullying, Trust, Organizational TrustAbstract
Nowadays, technology has become an integral part of life. This leads individuals to engage in social relationships and social activities in technical ways. So it causes some behavior to happen through technological tools. For example, cyberbullying is one of these behaviors. Expressed as “the deliberate aggressive behavior of one or more persons using electronic means of communication towards someone who cannot continuously defend himself for a certain period of time” (Smith, Mahdavi, Carvalho, Fisher, Russell ve Tippett, 2008: 376). Cyberbullying at the workplace is defined as a person's privacy, disclosure of personal information through information and communication technology to a large audience at least once, feeling vulnerable, and negative behaviour resulting from people's business relationships (Vranjes, Baillien, Vandebosch, Erreygers ve De Witte, 2018: 326). Cyberbullying in the workplace affects employees, managers, and the organization in many ways (Oksanen, Oksa, Savela, Kaakinen ve Ellonen, 2020: 2). In this context, he recalls the problem of whether cyberbullying in his workplace affects organizational confidence. The universe of research consists of a dedicated call services staff located in the center of Trabzon province. Research data were collected using the questionnaire technique. In the study, The Workplace Cyberbullying Measure (The WCM) and The Organizational Trust Scale were used. The data obtained were analyzed with a statistical program. It can be stated that "workplace cyberbullying” can be seen as a determining factor in organizational trust.
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