A Historical Note on The Unesco Survey: Musıkî Mecmuası Magazine, September, 1968

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UNESCO, Musıkî Mecmuası, Turkish Music, Music Sociology, Müzik


Musıkî Mecmuası Magazine is the longest-running periodical music publication of the Republican period. This study includes the questions and answers provided by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in its "Questionnaire on Possible Requirements for the Documentation, Preservation and Dissemination of the Current State of Traditional Music". The aim of this study is to present the answers given by Etem Ruhi Üngör in the September 1968 issue of the Magazine, which is the twentieth year of the Magazine, under the title "The Questions Sent to Us in Unesco's Survey Studies and Our Answers" to researchers with the idea that they are historical documents. The purpose of the questionnaire is given as three points: To provide a basic knowledge of the current value and status of the traditional musical genres of Asian and African countries, get an idea of how the information needs to be captured, preserved, and disseminated and it is to determine what outside help can be provided. The study is descriptive research based on a literature review. The questionnaire questions and answers were organized and transferred to their original form. In the conclusion section, there are a few comments and suggestions about the examples thought to be related to the survey in other issues of Musıkî Mecmuası Magazine and their reflections on the present day.


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Erişim 1: https://unesco.org.tr/Pages/99/2

Erişim 2: https://www.tutap.com.tr/sayfa/unesco/7



How to Cite

Önal, G. F. (2023). A Historical Note on The Unesco Survey: Musıkî Mecmuası Magazine, September, 1968. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 3253–3264. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10347023