Hierarchy and Political Identity in the Design of Official Rooms

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Interior Architecture, Protocol, Decoration, Symbol, Policy


Design is the reflection of various ideas. Throughout history, humans have used architecture and interior designs to retain and reflect power. People and societies reflected the message intended to be given and the hierarchical order desired to be created through interior designs, which created political identity. Space design is a strong tool for reflecting political and administrative identities. By examining the role of material infrastructures in the organization of power, the political aspect of design becomes substantial in terms of how power is formed and implemented. The ability of design to guide behavior, open design for the government, or the use of design by officials are the key points of the article. This article aims to analyse the impact of a designed interior on the experience of its users through hierarchy, politics and policy. While examining the concepts of status and hierarchy, the relationship of these concepts with space designs was emphasized, and by interpreting them with the design language, the role of space designs in creating political identity was revealed with examples. The interior features of executive rooms and their effects on perception were examined. Interior designs were interpreted with examples of selected office rooms. Even the most commonly designed interior spaces have an order in terms of a hierarchical order, and the potential importance of the relationships that influence their design and use is highlighted in this article.


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How to Cite

Sönmez, D., & Demirarslan, D. (2023). Hierarchy and Political Identity in the Design of Official Rooms. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3430–3448. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10431464