Türkçe The Relationship between Psychological Resilience and Compassion After the Covid-19 Experience: An Application of Public University Students
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Psychological Resilience, Compassion, University Students, Management Candidate, Work PsychologyAbstract
The pandemic process, which occurred simultaneously all over the world and affected societies in many ways, has been experienced with profound consequences for the present and the future, especially for the young population. The inability to socialize and the anxiety of being infected, which emerge as a result of the isolation and protection required by the pandemic, constitute the focus of future-shaping effects at the individual level. At this point, it can be said that the ability to stay alive and resilient and to cope with difficulties is a competence expected from employees in every stage of life, especially within the natural structure of working life. As a matter of fact, the social and individual uncertainty that constitutes the content of events that have never been experienced before and have intense negative consequences, especially the pandemic, makes psychological resilience an important competence of both daily life and working life. Psychological resilience refers to a person's ability to cope with stress and uncertainty, as well as the process of eliminating negative environmental effects with his/her individual resources. In addition to personal resilience in every aspect of life and especially in working life, kindness, empathy and forgiving behaviors shown to other people, in other words, are considered important and prioritized in compassion. Compassion, which can be defined as the emotion that emerges when witnessing someone else's pain and motivates the desire to help later, is an important concept that has been the subject of numerous studies after the pandemic. The reason for the emergence of the study is curiosity about what kind of experience university students, will have in business life as future managerial candidates, experienced in terms of both psychological resilience and compassion during the pandemic process. The aim of the study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the psychological resilience and feelings of compassion of university students who have experienced the pandemic process in the light of demographic data. The hypothesis of the study was created as "There is a significant relationship between students' psychological resilience and their feelings of compassion." In the research, important findings that will shed light on the purpose of the study and future studies were obtained and evaluated and suggestions were developed. First of all, no relationship was found between gender and psychological resilience. Female students' compassion averages were higher than male students. There are significant differences between demographic data such as whether there is a family member with Covid-19 and general life satisfaction, and compassion and psychological resilience. When students were asked to describe the Covid-19 period in one word, students who evaluated the period as trauma showed differences in the emotional depersonalization dimension.
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