Examining the Relationship Between FoMO Levels and Sleep Quality in High School

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FoMO, Sleep Quality, Social Media Addiction, Fear


FoMO: Fear of missing out (Fear of missing out on developments on social media). The natural consequence of FoMO is social media addiction. As a result, the inability to live without the internet and social media addiction occurs. This study aimed to investigate the existence and negative effects of FoMO in high school students. In our studies, 50 10th grade students from 4 different high school types (science high school, project Anatolian high school, project religious high school and vocational high school) were sampled (n= 200).The existence of FoMO and whether it negatively affects sleep quality were investigated for 10th grade students. “Even while we sleep, is our brain affected by the fear of missing something? IS our sleep disturbed because of this fear? As a result, does FoMO reduce sleep quality? Answers to these questions were sought. The Fear of Missing Out on Social Media (FoMO) Scale and the Cumhuriyet Subjective Sleep Quality Scale were given to the sample group and administered simultaneously. Pearson correlation analysis, a parametric analysis type, was performed between the data obtained from the surveys and the two scales in the SPSS analysis program. As a result of the analysis, a moderate positive relationship was reported between FoMO and the sleep quality scale. It has been reported that students with high FoMO values have increased sleep disruptions. At the same time, it was analyzed that the results of the FoMO scale applied in 4 different types of high schools showed significant differences according to the type of school. Among the students to whom the scale was applied, 3 random students from each school type were interviewed and some of the answers to the questions were shared in the findings.


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How to Cite

İpek, Y., & İpek, H. (2023). Examining the Relationship Between FoMO Levels and Sleep Quality in High School. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3539–3545. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10452186