Tahir Karauğuz’s Zonguldak Newspaper

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Tahir Karauğuz, Zonguldak, Press, Zonguldak Newspaper


In this study, Tahir Karauğuz's Zonguldak newspaper is discussed. As it is known, press studies have an important place in historical research. The fact that no scientific study has been conducted about Tahir Karauğuz to date increases the importance of this study. During the research process, Tahir Karauğuz's Zonguldak newspapers were examined in detail. With this study, it is hoped to determine the place of Karauğuz in our history and to close the gap in this regard, and it is aimed to remember the historical facts by telling the newspapers of a person who is about to be forgotten.


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How to Cite

Çil, Z. (2023). Tahir Karauğuz’s Zonguldak Newspaper. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3373–3383. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10431424