Relationship Between Childhood Obesity and Social Work: Prejudice Discrimination Peer Bullying

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Childhood Obesity, Biopsychosocial Approach, Social Work, Prejudice-Discrimination, Peer Bullying


Obesity is a disease that negatively affects millions of people around the world. This disease, which causes many people to experience biological, physical, psychological, emotional, social and economic problems in terms of its consequences, is one of the most discussed diseases in recent years both in the world and in our country. Every year, millions of people apply to obesity diagnosis and treatment centers in the world and in our country for treatment. It is not possible to evaluate obesity only from a medical perspective and discuss only its medical consequences. Obesity is a health problem that can occur at any age; However, childhood obesity is a very important problem due to the biopsychosocial problems it causes both in childhood and adulthood. Obesity that occurs in childhood is a social problem that can lead to serious changes and problems in the lives of both the child and the family. When evaluated in the context of its causes and consequences, it is possible to treat childhood obesity with a multidisciplinary and holistic perspective. In this context, not only medical approaches to childhood obesity but also psychosocial approaches need to be discussed. This review study aimed to make a conceptual and theoretical evaluation of childhood obesity. The purpose of this review study is to examine the relationship between the social work discipline and the obesity problem, which is a health problem that negatively affects more and more children every year in the world and in our country, through the problems children experience due to obesity.


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How to Cite

Boyraz Turhan, S. (2023). Relationship Between Childhood Obesity and Social Work: Prejudice Discrimination Peer Bullying. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3501–3506.