Orton-Gillingham Method in Overcoming Reading Difficulties

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Fluent reading, comprehension, reading difficulties, Orton-Gillingham method


Reading difficulty is a condition that can adversely affect the crucial skill of reading, essential for language and communication abilities. It can impede individuals' comprehension of texts, posing a significant barrier to education. Consequently, there's a necessity to explore and develop effective teaching approaches for individuals experiencing reading difficulties. The Orton-Gillingham method stands out as an instructional approach that contributes particularly to individuals facing reading challenges. Within this context, the research aimed to examine the impact of Orton-Gillingham-based reading instruction on the fluent reading and comprehension skills of students experiencing reading difficulties. The study was designed using the qualitative research pattern of the action research model. Criterion sampling, a purposive sampling method in qualitative research, was utilized in forming the study group. The research was conducted with five students experiencing reading difficulties. The fluent reading and comprehension levels of the students included in the study group were determined before and after the implementation of the Orton-Gillingham reading program. The 'Error Analysis Inventory' was used to assess the students' fluent reading and comprehension levels. Technological tools such as video cameras, audio recordings, and computers were employed in the data collection, analysis, and implementation phases. To gather information about the students in the study group, the 'Personal Information Form' was used, and information was collected from the school principal, class teacher, guidance counselor, and student families. The application process, based on the Orton-Gillingham approach, lasted for 12 weeks, totaling 216 instructional hours. The study was individually tailored for each student, incorporating two small-group sessions during the implementation, and activities were prepared accordingly. As a result of the study, it was observed that Orton-Gillingham-based reading instruction had a positive impact on the fluent reading and comprehension skills of students experiencing reading difficulties.


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How to Cite

Altunbaş Yavuz, S., & Akyol, H. (2023). Orton-Gillingham Method in Overcoming Reading Difficulties. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3507–3525. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10431532