The Effects of Discourse Analysis on the Formation of Spatial Emotion in the Literary-Film Ekphrasis of Anayurt Oteli
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ekphrasis, liminal space, interior space, hotel space, cinema space, Motherland HotelAbstract
Ekphrasis is a contemporary method of art production grounded in the written and verbal expression of visual artwork. Over time, the concept of ekphrasis has evolved to encompass the creation of new works in various art disciplines, building upon existing works by expanding their context. As an illustration of this approach, Yusuf Atılgan's literary work 'Anayurt Oteli,' published in 1973, was adapted into a film of the same name in 1987, directed by Ömer Kavur. The interior space designs, integral components of cinematic art, are analyzed in terms of the spatial discourses revealed in the literary work 'Anayurt Oteli.' Accordingly, in literary works, it is believed that spaces should harbor the potential to convey feelings of loneliness, pessimism, and tension. In cinematic works, it is observed that all spaces are designed in accordance with the liminal space concept, placing a significant emphasis on evoking a sense of loneliness. Simultaneously, it is inferred that the lighting elements of the spaces are set with low light values, the sound elements are minimized, and the colors used comprise pastel and dark tones, collectively attempting to elicit feelings of pessimism and tension.
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