Disaster Management and Adıyaman University in 2023 Kahramanmaraş Centered Earthquakes
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Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş, Disaster Management, Earthquake, UniversityAbstract
Natural disasters are events that can cause serious damage worldwide, and especially major disasters such as earthquakes can have a profound impact on societies. Therefore, it is crucial for societies to be prepared for disasters and improve their response capabilities. Universities play a critical role in this area. While updating and developing academic curricula contributes to raising public awareness and building a prepared society against disasters, research studies help to create disaster mitigation strategies and support recovery processes. Universities also assume a leadership role in times of disasters and play an important role in meeting the urgent needs of society. Through education programs for students, universities contribute to raising public awareness of disasters and building a resilient society against disasters. In order for universities to play a more effective role in disaster risk reduction and management, steps such as raising awareness, strengthening cooperation, improving capacity and communicating effectively with society should be taken. In this way, a more resilient and prepared society against disasters can be created. Methods such as interdisciplinary cooperation, interaction with society and collaboration with policy makers are important steps that will increase the contribution of universities to disaster risk reduction processes
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