A Scale Development Study: Scale of Change Management Competencies

Scale development, Change management, Change management competenciesAbstract
This research aims to develop a scale within the framework of Kotter’s 8-step-change management model for the understanding of change management competencies. For this purpose, scale items created by the literature review were presented to experts. The item was finalized based on the opinions of field experts and teachers. The created scale was applied to teachers who work under the Ministry of National Education in Konak, Buca, Bayraklı, and Gaziemir districts of İzmir. The data obtained were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The scale was finalized with 27 items. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted on the previously determined theoretical framework of the scale data. In the conducted analyses, the relationship between the entire scale and its sub-dimensions was examined, and it was observed that the factors were meaningfully related to each other. Through Confirmatory Factor Analysis, taking Kotter’s 8-step change model as the theoretical framework, a structure was formed from the sub-dimensions of ‘Creating a sense of urgency,’ ‘Establishing a change leadership committee,’ ‘Creating strategic vision and initiatives,’ ‘Establishing volunteer communities,’ ‘Removing barriers to the change process,’ ‘Identifying short-term wins,’ ‘Sustaining change momentum,’ and ‘Institutionalizing and making change Permanent.’ In this context, it was concluded that this structure is in harmony with each sub-dimension of the scale. It was determined that the fit indices of the model were within acceptable ranges. The internal consistency coefficient obtained for the entire scale was found to be .987. Thus, it is said to be a validscale whih contributes the literature.
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