Expectations of Antalya Entertainment Industry Employers from Professional Dancers

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Dancer, Performing Arts, Professional Qualification, Entertainment Sector, Free Market


The rich touristic and cultural atmosphere of Antalya offers wide employment opportunities for dancers, who are an important part of the performing arts. This article aims to examine the nature of dancer employment in the Antalya tourism region and the characteristics expected from dancers. Within the scope of the study, through interviews with thirteen experienced employers operating in the entertainment sector in Antalya; The expectations that dancers face in the business world and the characteristics that employers demand from dancers are discussed in detail. At the same time, this study is designed as a step towards understanding the relationships between dancer employment opportunities, employer expectations and universities that train dancers in the tourism sector in Antalya. The data obtained in order to determine the expectations of employers who employ dancers in Antalya and to train dancers with the qualifications to meet these expectations were examined in an effort to make a positive contribution to the construction of a more effective atmosphere of cooperation in the sector. The research, which confirms the assumption that employers should have expectations from dancers in a free market economy, reveals that the expectations put forward by employers in the Antalya dance market focus on points such as discipline, flexibility, repertoire richness, experience and education, in order of importance, while the least important issue is language knowledge. It is thought that these data will contribute to the creation of a more efficient communication and cooperation environment between employers and dancers in the dance industry in Antalya.


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How to Cite

Gürdap, S., Şahin Baloğlu, B., & Ödemiş, S. (2024). Expectations of Antalya Entertainment Industry Employers from Professional Dancers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10616535