Innovative Leadership of School Administrators

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Manager, Innovation, Leadership


This study aimed to examine school administrators' innovative leadership within the context of educational environments and to explore the significance of their innovative leadership based on the sources obtained from the literature. In pursuit of this goal, both domestic and foreign sources available in the literature were scrutinized, and the necessary information concerning the importance of the subject was compiled and presented in an organized manner. Innovative leadership signifies a leadership style that goes beyond conventional approaches, promoting creativity, change, and innovation. Innovative leaders not only manage their organizations in the present but also endorse novel ideas, are unafraid of taking risks, and encourage continuous development. The attributes required for an innovative leader are categorized in the literature under fundamental headings: Heart, Empathy, Passion, Patience, Strategy, and Speed. According to our findings, school administrators possessing innovative leadership qualities play a significant role in the success and development of educational institutions. Innovative leaders stand out as individuals who can adapt to change, encourage new ideas, take risks, and promote collaboration among teachers and staff. The success of leaders in motivating employees within the organization, developing innovative projects, and enhancing student achievements has been emphasized. Consequently, the innovative leadership skills of school administrators hold great importance in terms of adapting to and achieving success within the ever-evolving and changing needs of educational environments


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How to Cite

Çalık, Özlem. (2024). Innovative Leadership of School Administrators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 78–86.