A Model Proposal Created in Geographic Information Systems for the Effect of the Concept Of Boundary in Urban Space on Social Activity Streets

Street vitality, social activity spaces, boundary concept, Geographic Information SystemsAbstract
Streets, one of the most important components of urban areas, not only provide pedestrian and vehicular flow but also produce spaces for social relations. Enabling communication processes between people and the environment, street spaces contribute to the vitality of urban space. Streets that strengthen social relations, where activities such as sitting, meeting with friends, resting and enjoying activities take place, attract attention with their characteristic features such as secluded, dim, calm and functional diversity. In architectural design and urban planning, the concept of boundary, which is expressed with a line to create and define space, appears as a phenomenon that constructs relationships on the streets where daily life takes place, supports social communication by creating specific spaces, and unites urbanites. While the number of connections arising from the spatial organization of the streets reveals the ability of the streets to attract pedestrian flow, tall buildings on narrow streets create a closed effect in these areas. The diversity of ground floor functions in the streets where social activities take place plays a unifying role for individuals. This article examines the streets where social activities take place according to the connectivity, closure and unification features that create a boundary effect and investigates the effect of these features on user behavior. In the paper, a model based on the representation of the three different approaches in Geographic Information Systems is created. As a result of the study, shows that there are strong relationships between the connectivity, enclosure, and merging features that create a boundary effect and user behavior, and that these features contribute to the vitality of streets by increasing their use.
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