Vocal Painting Method and Educational Dimensions of Vocal Painting Review
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Music Education, Vocal, Vocal PaintingAbstract
Fields belonging to the branches of art have a structure that is constantly open to change and development, constantly renewing and progressing. Every field of education in music and the education given specifically to these fields of education must be in parallel and in harmony with the innovative and developing structure. In an education that cannot achieve this parallelism and harmony, it will not be possible to make development and progress.
Vocal Painting, one of the new methods, is the subject of this study. Today, education is done with a constructivist approach. Vocal Painting method also serves this approach.
This study aims to determine how Vocal Painting language is used and applied in performances by revealing the general principles and philosophy of Vocal Painting, and to examine Vocal Painting in educational dimensions.
It is thought that the study is important in terms of contributing to the field since there has not been research that deals with and introduces Vocal Painting with its educational dimensions before, and in terms of ensuring the awareness of this method in order to participate in the application process in education. It is also an important study in terms of being a source for educators and performers working in this field and people who are interested in this field. In this study, a literature review and case study were conducted.
In light of this research and data, it was concluded that Vocal Painting is an innovative method that can be applied in music education and can be implemented in the music education curriculum system and can be recommended as an "elective course".
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