Education-Society Relationship and Sociology of Education

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Education, Sociology, The Sociology of Education


Education contributes to social development by encouraging individuals to acquire knowledge and skills and develop their abilities and creative practices. Education also supports unity and integrity in society by enabling individuals to learn social norms and transfer their culture and social integration. The two-sided and complex structure of the education-society relationship has paved the way for the emergence of educational sociology as an interdisciplinary field of study that aims to understand and evaluate the complex interaction between education and society. Long before sociology became famous in academic terms, philosophers' thinking on the education-society relationship also contributed. Sociology is a field of science that forms the basis of educational thought and practice and enriches it. The close relationship between education and sociology, or in better words, the fact that education has a quality that is affected by and affects the social structure, has led to the emergence of the concept of interdisciplinary sociology of education. The main purpose of the sociology of education, which is an interdisciplinary field of science in which pedagogy and sociology work together, is to understand the dynamic relationship between education and society.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, Z. Z. (2024). Education-Society Relationship and Sociology of Education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 225–230.