Views Of PrimaryAnd Secondary School Principals On Instructional Leadership Practices In Konya Province
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Instructional leadership, Views on Instructional Leadership Behavior Implementation, School PrincipalAbstract
In this study, school principals' views on instructional leadership practices were sought in order to determine their opinions. The research, conducted using a descriptive method, collected data through semi-structured interviews, and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The study group of the research consists of ten primary and secondary school principals located in the Konya province. Purposive sampling method was utilized in selecting the study group. As a result of this study, the interviewed school administrators generally stated that they exhibit i nstructional leadership behaviors. The participating principals were observed to be effective in demonstrating behaviors related to enhancing the school's goals, making the school's presence felt, explaining the school's goals through instructional leadership behavior dimensions, evaluating and supervising instruction, monitoring student achievement, coordinating educational programs, motivating staff, improving the school's educational processes, using time processes appropriately, enhancing the professional and academic achievements of staff, developing and maintaining internal standards, and encouraging students to learn.
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