Sultan Kaftans Used in Palace Life in the Classical Ottoman Period
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Ottoman, Tradition, Fabric, Chaftan, Sultan, WeavingAbstract
Clothes are indispensable and necessary items for humans due to their biological properties. People, who previously felt the need to cover themselves due to the environment, climate and weather conditions they lived in, have diversified their clothes over time with cultural concepts such as status and fashion. Different civilizations around the world are easily recognized by their various types of clothing that carry characteristic elements specific to their culture. The Ottoman Empire was founded in Anatolia and landed on three important continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. Especially during the period when the Classical Period of the Ottoman Empire prevailed, in the 16th-17th centuries. From the minutes and documents recorded ine centuries, it is seen in the existence of the Ottoman palace and the workshops attached to the palace, the workshop employees were followed, and there were quite a large number of employees in these workshops. However, in the 18th century, the number of masters working in these workshops decreased significantly. There are records of the Ahi organization and Ehl-i Hiref about the fabrics woven in these workshops and for whom the clothes were sewn.
When we examine the clothes used in Ottoman palace life, the caftans made especially for the sultans attract attention with their magnificence and ornaments. These caftans were woven using the best materials of the period in which they were made, especially silk, gold and silver, with techniques, colors, application features, motifs, and pattern compositions. It was woven by the most skillful weavers of the period and sewn by the most famous tailors.
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