Academic Motivation Levels of Teachers

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Teacher, academic willingness, motivation, development


This research, which was conducted to reveal the academic motivation levels of teachers and their situation according to demographic characteristics, is a descriptive survey model and a quantitative study. In the study, data was collected by reaching 245 teachers working in public schools in Pamukkale district through random sampling. In the research, it was seen that the highest level of teachers' academic motivation levels was in the item "believing that scientific studies have social value", while the highest level was found in the item "scientific studies provide new perspectives and academic development strengthens communication with external stakeholders". It was determined that the lowest average was at a high level in the following scientific/academic journals. Teachers' academic motivation levels are high in all dimensions compared to the sub-dimensions. However, the highest average is in the "Personal attention" dimension. This is followed by the "Social outcomes" dimension and the "Professional Development" dimension, respectively, while the lowest average is in the "Academic attitude" dimension. The general academic enthusiasm level is at a high level. It has been determined that teachers' academic motivation levels do not differ according to their demographic characteristics and education level, but they do differ according to gender, age, marital status, career stage and branch. It has been observed that the academic motivation levels of male teachers are higher than females in all dimensions and in general according to gender. It was observed that it was high in sub-dimensions according to age and generally among teachers aged 25-35, those aged 46-50, those aged 51 and over, and in favor of those aged 46-50. In general, the lowest level is in teachers aged 51 and over. According to their marital status, the average scores of married people are higher than single people in terms of academic attitude and professional development. It has been observed that teachers' academic motivation levels differ significantly in the social outcomes dimension according to their career stages and are high between specialist teachers and head teachers and in favor of specialist teachers. The academic motivation levels of teachers were measured to be higher in all dimensions according to their branches, and in general, the academic motivation level of branch teachers was measured to be higher than that of classroom teachers.


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How to Cite

Gazalcı, T., Dal, A., Eker, A., Zengin, M., İnan, M., & Kurt, E. (2024). Academic Motivation Levels of Teachers . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 191–203.