Seismicity Of Turkey And Torsional Irregularity

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TBDY, Earthquake, Structural Irregularities, Torsional Irregularity


With the increasing population growth and accelerating urbanization in Turkey in recent years, the number of people affected by earthquakes continues to increase. For this reason, the number of casualties as a result of the destruction caused by earthquakes is quite high. Losses occurring as a result of earthquakes show that the breadth of earthquake-oriented architectural designs is very important. There are many factors that affect the earthquake performance of buildings. There are many factors in your survival against earthquakes, from the soil class of the land used for construction to the quality of the materials used in the construction. Structuralities occur in the continuation of this structure, which is of vital importance in the design and implementation phase. Torsion changes, which are among the structural changes, play a role in causing major damage during and after a comprehensive earthquake. This factor should not be ignored by many people working in the construction industry and is not taken into consideration. In the study, the definition and programming methods of the A1 torsion distribution in the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation are explained and the rationality of the torsion scheme is examined. Measures to reduce the changes that occur as a result of the investigated causes are discussed. In the last section, the destruction and damage caused by torsion deterioration as a result of the earthquakes experienced in life were examined and illustrated with visuals. As a result of the study, it was mentioned that being in a constantly active earthquake zone and the distribution of torsion, which causes loss of life and property in severe earthquakes, is a significant factor in building design and construction, and that it should not be ignored and taken into consideration.


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How to Cite

Akdemir, A., & İnan Günaydın, T. (2024). Seismicity Of Turkey And Torsional Irregularity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 301–309.