An Aesthetic View of the Ottoman Empire and the West

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Aesthetic, East and West Civilazations, Abstract, Beauty


The aim of this article is an evaluation of aesthetics in the world of Ottoman and the West. The concept of aesthetics is a branch of the philosophy of art but oncoming process it becomes an important discipline. The concept of aesthetics directs us which makes us understand and comment on the art, the art object, and the artist. Aesthetics as a discipline has its own questions and gives a general judgment to us also, for making a chastisement our approach against to the art object or the art activity. The concept of art represents an extensive area for all societies and cultures, but it can be in a general definition. But, when we say the conception of art is aesthetic, this definition gets narrow. Which makes narrows the concept is asking basic questions about the pleasure of different cultures after all, the answers are the perspective of aesthetic view. The most important factor in the formation of an aesthetic view is internal values. Based upon the conception of aesthetics, I will make an explanation about the meaning of aesthetics for the Ottoman and the West, then I will explain to differences and similarities by taking references from Aristo and Plato. The most important values that compose the identity of a civilization’s faith, language, and culture. According to these values, I will try to make a judgment based on the approaches of both civilizations.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, B. (2024). An Aesthetic View of the Ottoman Empire and the West. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 370–379.