Warp Faced Weawings Identified in Iğdır

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Iğdır, Warp faced, Pattern, Weaving, Technique


Iğdır is one of the regions where warp-faced weavings, which are frequently encountered in the Eastern Anatolia region, are made. Warp-faced weavings, which were woven in every house in the past, are no longer made in and around Iğdır. It has been determined that these warp-faced weavings made in Ardahan, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elâzığ, Erzincan, Hakkâri, Kars, Tunceli and Van in the Eastern Anatolia Region are similar to the warp-faced weavings made in and around Iğdır in terms of technique, motif, colour and pattern features. In addition, this weaving made in these regions is referred to as warp-faced cecim, cacım and kilim isiler in the literature sources scanned within the scope of the subject. However, this weaving is only warp-faced and is a type of weaving patterned with two groups of threads from the vertical warp. The most distinctive feature of the warp-faced weavings found in Iğdır and its surroundings from the cicim weavings is the weaving technique. When the motifs on the general surfaces of the weavings are viewed from a distance, it is thought that they have a raised surface and therefore, at first glance, it is thought to be made with the cicim weaving technique. However, it is understood that the technique is completely different at the point of application. It is aimed to determine this technique for the warp-faced weavings found in Eastern Anatolia and Iğdır and to place this technique in the literature in the right sense.

Evaluations were made on the last examples identified within the scope of the subject. In the study, which was carried out with the field research method and literature review, the last 20 warp-faced weavings, which could be reached in limited numbers, were examined and described in terms of technical and pattern features. Thirteen of these samples were included in the study. The warp-faced weavings are generally patterned in the vertical direction from the warp. A limited number of geometric motifs were used in the ground patterns of the weavings. They were produced for various purposes such as floor mats and load covers.

The documentation of the warp-faced weavings, which are found in limited numbers in the region, gains importance within the scope of warp-faced weaving in this study.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, G. (2024). Warp Faced Weawings Identified in Iğdır. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 282–300. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10698967