Coding Trainings and Robotics Programming in Education and Training Systems

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Programming, Software, Writing Code


The development of countries, their economic independence and their survival are directly proportional to the characteristics of the people they will raise. The future of societies depends on the creative people they raise and the products they produce. It is very important to identify these creative people and the original works they will produce at an early age. For this reason, education systems are among the most important systems of every country. Countries that organize their education systems to meet the needs of the age can identify students with creative abilities at an early age and develop creative thinking skills in these children much more easily. The purpose of coding and programming training to be given to students should be to explain the necessity of this training and to raise their awareness about being productive, rather than to train engineers or scientists. In this study, general definitions about coding, coding, programming and software were made, and master's theses and scientific articles were examined using the descriptive analysis method regarding their importance for students. The information obtained as a result of the analysis of the data was written in the findings section. According to the findings, coding and programming training has an important place for the future of every country, these trainings should be started at an early age, it provides children with problem-solving skills, the ability to look at events from a different perspective, increases academic success, collaborative learning, motivation and motivation for lessons. It has been observed that interest has increased. However, it was concluded that there were insufficient workshops in schools, lack of equipment, problems with technological infrastructure and teacher training.


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How to Cite

Kahraman, O., Yılmaz, Şükrü, Erdal, Şeyhmus, Ay, C., Yüksel, M., Özkan, O., Çilenti, G., & Yaman, S. (2024). Coding Trainings and Robotics Programming in Education and Training Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 503–514.