International Environmental Conventions and Environmental Policies in Türkiye

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Environment, Environmental Policy in Turkey, Environmental Regulations, International Environmental Conventions


It is a reality that human beings living on Earth are struggling to continue their lives and interact with nature in this way that they are doing this struggle. It has become necessary to address the point of view of human beings interacting with their environment on environmental problems in today's world and where environmental problems have come from the past to the present on a global scale and to bring solutions. In this context, many contracts and agreements realized on an international scale show that the importance of the environment is increasing even more. The initiatives that countries will make in a national context will be an important place for the environment in an international sense. It will not be denied that initiatives to be made on environmental problems are of great importance in an international sense. First of all, we see that the Stockholm Conference organized by the United Nations in 1972 will be considered a very important start on the environment. This conference is being held at a broad participation level and is being taken very seriously in terms of developing a holistic view of the environment. One of the conclusions to be drawn from this is the date set as World Environment Day. Therefore, it is accepted that the first conscious steps were taken with the determination of the environmental day. The Stockholm Conference has been accepted as a serious start by all participating countries and has taken its place among the issues to be discussed in our country.


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How to Cite

Kulak, R., Çakır, Z., Dervişoğlu, İbrahim, & Kartal, S. (2024). International Environmental Conventions and Environmental Policies in Türkiye. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 431–439.