The Importance of Schools and Occupational Health and Safety Practices in Administrative Perspective

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Education, Occupational Health and Safety, School Safety, School Health, School, Management


Management is in the determining understanding of public institutions as well as the private sector. The success to be achieved in a managerial sense can contribute to the development of institutions and the success of the personnel who are members of the institution, as well as to their protection in terms of occupational health and safety. In this study, the issue of occupational health and safety practices in schools was examined in detail through a literature review. School safety and health is a concept that aims to protect the physical, emotional and social well-being of students, teachers and other employees in educational institutions. In this context, occupational health and safety standards are applied to ensure the safety of students and staff, to provide a healthy learning and working environment and to minimize possible risks. As a general trend in relevant research, the focus is on deficiencies in occupational health and safety (OHS) issues and it is emphasized that the OHS measures implemented in educational institutions are generally inadequate. Most studies have shown that there is a lack of awareness of OSH issues among teachers and school administrators, leading to potential risks for students, teachers and other employees. Among the common trends of the research, the lack of OHS awareness and training stands out. Studies have emphasized that professionals in the education community do not have sufficient awareness of OHS issues and that the level of awareness is low due to a lack of training. Deficiencies in the OHS compliance with physical conditions are also a common finding that is frequently mentioned, especially problems in basic elements such as fire safety and electrical installations are frequently emphasized. Research focusing on management responsibilities has revealed that school administrators experience difficulties in fulfilling their responsibilities regarding OHS, such as lack of budget, bureaucratic obstacles and training deficiencies. In terms of differences, the participant profiles of the studies vary according to educational levels, geographical regions, or school types. Methodological differences also attract attention; Research has various data collection processes using different methods, from interviews to surveys, from content analysis to experimental designs. Each study not only identifies OHS problems but also offers solution suggestions. These suggestions generally include issues such as increasing training, improving physical conditions, solving budget problems and improving management competencies. Overall, these studies highlight the need for greater awareness, training and precautions on OSH issues in educational institutions. A common point that stands out is that various measures should be taken so that school administrations, teachers and other employees can fulfill their responsibilities regarding OHS more effectively.


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How to Cite

Çelebi, M., Başer, N., Beden, A., & Yavuz, B. (2024). The Importance of Schools and Occupational Health and Safety Practices in Administrative Perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 440–449.