Artificial Intelligence Will Change Our World

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Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Benefit, Harm


Artificial intelligence (AI) and increasingly complex processes inform our lives more than ever before. Particularly due to updates to computer hardware, some AI users outperform expert humans. Artificial intelligence is changing our world. Or has he already done that? Many people do not know the features of artificial intelligence technology. For some, the concept called AI is a vision of the future, while others have no idea what it is or what it does. In reality, AI has now gained a place in many areas of daily life. By continuing to run it in application areas, AI performance increases. In particular, it enables relevant products to be optimized to a greater extent, to a superhuman level. It turns out that this technological advancement presents us with ethical challenges unprecedented in history. Quite a few experts believe that in addition to the global possibilities of AI, global risks are also being created by exceeding the long-term, underestimated core range. This can be written, AI is introduced, in which commercial areas, benefits and risks are tried to be accommodated


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How to Cite

Özizer, H. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Will Change Our World. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(104), 336–348.