Implementation Of Physical Education Lessons In Primary Schools And The Need For Branch Teachers

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Physical Education, Classroom Teachers, Physical Education Teachers, Sports and Healthy Life


Physical education course in primary schools aims to help students adopt a healthy lifestyle through physical activities. This course is usually held several times a week and students are taught subjects such as basic sports skills, games and gymnastics. In order for physical education lessons to be taught efficiently, branch teachers are needed. Branch teachers ensure that lessons are more effective by providing students with expertise and guidance in the field of sports. In this way, while the physical development of students is supported, their social skills are also improved. The way physical education lessons are implemented and the need for branch teachers support the healthy development of students both physically and mentally. Branch teachers not only provide expertise in the field of sports, but also guide students and ensure that lessons are more effective. In this process, while the physical development of students is supported, they also help them develop their social skills. The way physical education lessons are implemented and the presence of branch teachers support the healthy development of students both physically and mentally. Branch teachers help students adopt an active lifestyle by increasing interest in sports. They teach students the positive effects of sports on health and support them in developing healthy living awareness. This can positively impact both their current and future health. The presence of subject teachers strengthens the general discipline in the school and the team spirit among students. Students have the opportunity to improve their cooperation and communication skills by doing group activities with their branch teachers. This helps them to be more successful in their social lives. In this research study, it was tried to reach conclusions by examining master's theses and scientific articles with the descriptive analysis method on the program of physical education course in primary schools, its teaching, the physical characteristics of the schools and the benefit of teaching the courses by branch teachers depending on the material needs. The data obtained from the studies examined were analyzed and written in the findings section. According to the findings, it has been seen that physical education lessons have a great importance in the lives of students, are effective in gaining sports habits, increase academic success in other courses, and for all these, physical education teachers, not classroom teachers, have seen the lesson. It was concluded that schools' physical space deficiencies should be eliminated, the needed sports equipment should be provided, and teacher training systems should be reconsidered.


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How to Cite

Çelik, M. V., Mete, M. S., Akşit, G., Ata, D., Uzundede, M., & Yaşar, E. (2024). Implementation Of Physical Education Lessons In Primary Schools And The Need For Branch Teachers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(106), 828–837.